Providing quality personal assistance and services with integrity and care so you can relax.
- cable
- appliance repairs
- home repairs
- contractors
- all deliveries
- appraisers
- phone service
- nutrition help
- golf lessons
- Qi Gong
- dinner reservations
- theatre tickets
- travel arrangements
- entertainment
- elderly care
- grocery assistance
- food delivery
- drug store entertaining
- planning
- meals / catering
- florist
- rentals
- shopping
- venue selection
- décor
- table settings
- theme
- invitations
- entertainment
- help for housekeeping
- gift wrapping
- grocery shopping
- dry cleaning
- gift shopping
- tailor/alterations
- pet supplies
- returns/exchanges
- drug store
- movie rentals/exchanges
- post office
Event Planning
- company events
- golf outings
- showers
- children parties
- intimate evenings major projects
- home renovations
- closet/home organization
- utility services
- moving coordination
- storage facilities
Office in your home
- filing
- out of office errands
- print/copy drop offs
- clerical work
- pay bills
- sort mail
Research Projects
- getting bids on home projects
- features and benefits of new
- purchases
When you’re Away
- collect mail and newspapers
- water plants
- security check
- pet care